Friday, June 26, 2009

Quotes I love

The power and intensity of your contractions cannot be stronger than you, because it is you.- unknown

YOUR DEEPEST FEAR by Nelson Mandela
Our deepest fear is not that we areinadequate, our deepest fear is that weare powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness thatmost frightens us. We ask ourselves,
“Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,talented and fabulous?” Actually, whoare you NOT to be?
You are a child of God. Your playingsmall does NOT serve the world. Thereis nothing enlightened about shrinkingso that other people won’t feel insecurearound you.
We were born to manifest the glorythat is within us. And as we let ourlight shine we unconsciously give otherpeople permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our ownfear, our presence automaticallyliberates others.

My plans....

Last year, I achieved a few of my goals. I became a CAPPA certified labor doula and attended the training workshop to begin my journey as a Childbirth Educator. I also attended workshops for NRP and CPR.

This year, Ive attended a Charis Christian Childbirth workshop to expand my skills and knowledge as an educator.

In the coming months I hope to wrap up the requirements for my educator certification, as well as start on a Happiest Baby on the Block certification.
This year I also hope to attend the Lamaze Confrence in October, and continue my training as a birth assistant at Breath of Life.

Other goals in the next few years:
courses in herbology, yoga instructor course, phlebotomy course, and as always, as many birth related courses/events as possible!